Announcement iconاستمرار قبول طلبات الإلتحاق !!
للفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الأكاديمي 2019\2020

الصفحة الشخصية - د. رائد شوملي

عضو هيئة تدريس

الرتبة العلمية: 
أستاذ مساعد

تابعني على:

الشهادات العلمية: 
إسم الجامعة / الكليةالدرجة العلميةالتخصص
Southern Illinois University (Illinois, U.S.A.)
Lewis University (Illinois, U.S.A.)
e-Business & M.I.S.
Bethlehem University (Bethlehem, Palestine)
Maastricht School or Management (Netherlands)
Diploma in Training of Trainers and Consultants
الخبرات الأكاديمية: 
منإلىحتى الآنالوصفالمؤسسةDescription
Ra’id Q. Shomali is a Marketing academic and practitioner. Ra’id earned his bachelor of business administration in Accounting from Bethlehem University (Palestine), an M.B.A. with a double concentration in M.I.S. and e-Business from Lewis University (U.S.A.), a Training of Trainers & Consultants Diploma from Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands), and a doctorate of business administration with an emphasis in Marketing from Southern Illinois University (U.S.A.) where he was awarded the prestigious Fulbright scholarship award. As an academic, Ra'id taught undergraduate and graduate marketing and management courses at Bethlehem University (Palestine), Southern Illinois University (U.S.A.) and Indiana State University (U.S.A). Currently, he is an assistant professor and the chairperson of the department of marketing at the Arab American University (Palestine). His research focuses on marketplace interactions of migrant consumers, Internet and social media marketing, nonprofit/social marketing, social entrepreneurship and donor relationship management.
الخبرات الإدارية: 
منإلىحتى الآنالوصفالمؤسسةDescription
As a practitioner, Ra'id's consulting career focuses on impact consulting and customized training interventions targeting specific organizational needs in all sectors of the economy (for- profit, nonprofit and government organizations). Range of topics covered include strategic planning, marketing strategies, integrated marketing communications, branding, teamwork and board capacity building (nonprofit boards, municipal and village councils, etc.), leadership skills, fundraising and donor relationship management. Beyond his professional capacity to plan, organize and execute training interventions with a high degree of cultural sensitive and creative pedagogical approaches, Ra’id takes on a positive outlook towards persons he interacts with, having faith in each person’s capacity for development towards the best version of themselves, personally and professionally. Furthermore, Ra’id adopts a participatory approach to training incorporating input of both client and participants into presentations, role-playing, coaching, mentoring, games and various training activities.
المقررات التي تم تدريسها: 
Course Titleالمستوى
Principles of Marketing
دراسة جامعية
Consumer Behavior
دراسة جامعية
Marketing Research
دراسة جامعية
Internet & Social Media Marketing
دراسة جامعية
Integrated Marketing Communications
دراسة جامعية
Marketing Applications for Recreation and Sport
دراسة جامعية
Special Topics in Marketing
دراسة جامعية
Marketing Management
دراسات عليا
Promotional Strategy & Management
دراسات عليا
Multivatirate Data Analysis (Doctoral Seminar)
دراسات عليا
Foundations of Sport Management
دراسات عليا
Foundations of Management
دراسات عليا
Marketing Strategy
دراسة جامعية
Measuring Customer Satisfaction
دراسات عليا
Ethical Issues in Fundraising and Proposal Writing (~ Business Ethics)
دراسات عليا
Strategic Risk Management
دراسات عليا
السيرة الذاتية: 
