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for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2019/2020

AAUP Radio ( 97.1 FM )

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Artist Title
  • Bulletproof
  • Director of Radio: 
    Mr. Said Abu Mualla

    We are a University radio, and a youth, social, cultural and nonprofit one. A radio that’s interested in community issues in general, and in other community issues away from the media’s attention in particular. It works to enhance and strengthen the Palestinian national identity. Its scope of work is in West Bank and in the 1948 Palestinian territories. Moreover, it focuses on discussing and analyzing phenomena and socio-cultural issues in a free and responsible manner, rather than transferring political news. The radio has a unique professional youth staff where the youth are considered to be vital part of the Palestinian society.


    The Palestinian society lives in a complex and rapidly changing reality in various aspects, especially in political, economic and social aspects. These changing aspects affect the essence of both individual and community lives. Where the Youth is considered to be the heart of these changing aspects either in social concepts or values, along with social and national identity.

    Nevertheless, the political aspect seems to be the main issue controlling the local media, as it is also the Palestinians main topic news, at the expense of following, analyzing and monitoring the impact of other issues on the daily life of citizens and highlighting their humanitarian stories. Which comes from the focus of addressing cultural, literary and artistic questions that arise in the society.

    From here, AAUP Radio is committed to engaging its professional and objective mission in presenting social phenomena issues and its impact on the lives of different segments of the society. As well as focusing on cultural, literary and artistic issues.


    AAUP’s Radio has been founded to support, consolidate and develop the comprehensive media work, as an outcome of the needs, issues and concerns of the people. From the prospective of the Radio’s mission, it works on presenting national, professional and objective manner, to connect the theory with practice on order to focus on the needs of specific segments in the society as youth, women, farmers, and geographical areas. The Radio adopts various technologies and social media to deliver its message and achieve its objectives within a modern pace. 

    As we emphasize substantive work as a core principle in media. The Radio bias towards the Palestinian citizen in general and to his national question, social and economic issues, along to the marginalized groups in particular.

    • Broadcasting, news and education.
    • Highlight local community issues in order to serve the citizen and support local development.
    • Supporting the cultural life, literary production and the Palestinian art and shed lights on its famous medias and journalist.
    • Contributing in developing the academic atmosphere in discussing university educational issues.
    • Respect pluralistic and freedom of opinion and expression.
    • Supporting Palestinian youth and presenting their own issues within their general socio-political context.
    • Supporting Palestinian women's and their rights by highlighting their national and social sacrifice.
    • Improving local media professionalism in form and content.
    • Offering training in various media skills for students and media professionals.
    • Enhancing and spreading the spirit of volunteering and group working, strengthening the social fabric, and supporting individual and group initiatives that serve this context.
    • Enhance social accountability and individual responsibility based on the believe of individual's role in change.


    The general principles of editorial policy:

    • The content of the broadcast does not contradict the principles, laws and mission of Arab American University.
    • As a matter of social and national responsibility the radio as a part of AAUP will supports and strengthen Palestinian national unity. As it will work to protect and benefit the supreme interests of the Palestinian people, and avoid all that harms these interests.
    • The radio is committed to professional media, seriousness, perfectness, and avoid competition at the expense of professionalism. 


    Radio Staff:

    Said Abu Mualla / Director of the Radio

    Abdullah Bazour / Technical Engineer

    Azhar Al-Jeda’ / announcer

    Areen Qubaha / announcer

    Malak Abu-Arar / announcer

    Mona Sabaaneh / producer and radio engineer

    Contact Information: 


    Direct Phone #: 04-2510809

    Phone #: 04-2418888 | Ext.: 1137

    Fax #: 04-2510810
