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Electronic Voluntarism is a Means to Reinforce Voluntary Work

مجلة الجامعة العربية الأمريكية للبحوث, المجلد 1, الإصدار 1, 2015

This study examines the concept of E-volunteerism via the modes of information network, as it is a new term in the field of voluntary work and its diverse domains. The study discusses this new practice in terms of meanings and relevance to the scientific progress as well as the current global and technological revolution, particularly the great development in information network (Internet). To achieve this, the study adopted the inductive method and the content analysis of the various related texts. This study also sheds light on the ways people approach E- volunteerism, and devises methods for indi-viduals/groups/institutions to take advantage of this modern practice. The study found that E-volunteerism is a product of the global technological revolution, and that the prevalent usage of electron-ic and social media has a significant role in the spread of E-volunteerism. This voluntary pattern forms a quick and easy way in practicing various voluntary activities via media. In fact, E- volunteerism has transformed voluntary work from its limited, local framework to a broader global scope. As such, special-ized websites have to be established in Palestinian various institutions, both civil and official, as well as in various universities and educational institutions. There is also a need to make people aware of E- vol-unteerism, thus they can use it in various fields of community life.

الكلمات المفتاحية: 

electronic volunteerism, supportive tools, voluntary work, methods of electronic volunteering.