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للفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الأكاديمي 2019\2020

منشورات أ. د. هشام درويش

Date Title
2017 Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and bone turnover markers in Palestinian postmenopausal osteoporosis and normal women
2017 Correlation Between Various Polymorphisms in the TNF, VKORC1 and ER Genes with BMD and Selected Bone turnover Markers in Palestinian Postmenopausal Osteoporosis and Normal women
2017 Genetic Marker Polymorphisms in the VDR and MTHFR Genes Among Postmenopausal Palestinian Women
2016 Evaluation of the validity of osteoporosis and fracture risk assessment tools (IOF One Minute Test, SCORE, and FRAX) in postmenopausal Palestinian women
2016 Aminotrasferase (TAT) Gene Mutations Among Palestinian Tyrosinemia Type II Patients; An extended study
2015 Identification of Two Novel Mutations in the Factor X Gene; A 5’ Donor Splce- Site Mutation [IVS+1G>T] and a Missense Mutation [Asp413Asn G>T] in Unrelated Palestinian Factor X Deficient Patients
2015 Diabetes Mellitus; The epidemic of the century
2015 Total Antioxidant Status in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Palestine
2014 Evaluation of Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) for Diagnosing Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes among Palestinian Arab Population
2010 Association between factor V Leiden mutation and poor pregnancy outcomes among Palestinian women
2010 Prevalence and awareness of osteoporosis among postmenopausal Palestinian women
2005 Genetic Screening of Familial Mediterranean Fever Mutations in the Palestinian Population
1999 DNA bending is induced by binding of vitamin D receptor-retinoid X receptor heterodimers to vitamin D response elements
1999 Identification of a Transcription Factor That Binds to the Promoter Region of the Human Parathyroid Hormone Gene
1996 Analysis of binding of the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor to positive and negative vitamin D response elements
1996 Recent Advances in the Molecular Biology of Vitamin D Action
1995 Synthesis of novel 20-oxo-pregnacalciferol analogs with binding affinity to the progesterone receptor
1995 Transcriptional control of the osteocalcin gene by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-2 and its 24-epimer in rat osteosarcoma cells
1995 General Principles of Vitamin D Action and Mechanism-Based Search for Analogs with Specific Actions
1994 Two Vitamin D Response Elements Function in the Rat 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 24-Hydroxylase Promoter
1994 20-Oxopregnacalciferols: Vitamin D compounds that bind the progesterone receptor
1994 Identification Of A Vitamin D Response Element In the Rat 25-Hydroxyvitamin D 24-Hydroxylase Gene
1993 Vitamin D-influenced gene expression via a ligand-independent, receptor-DNA complex intermediate
1993 Vitamin D-regulated gene expression
1992 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D and not Calcium Is the Major Regulator of Calbindin-D 9-kDa mRNA Levels In Vivo
1992 Identification of a 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-response element in the 5'-flanking region of the rat calbindin D-9k gene
1991 An Estrogen-responsive Element Mediates the Transcriptional Regulation of Calbindin D-9K Gene in Rat Uterus
1990 Transcriptional Regulation Of the Calbindin (CaBP D9K) Gene By Estrogen In the Rat Uterus Is Mediated By An Estrogen Responsive Element
1988 Structural and Nucleotide Sequence Of the Rat Intestinal Vitamin D-Dependent Calcium Binding Protein Gene
1988 Structure and Regulation Of Rat Intestinal Calcium Binding Protein AB # 949
1987 Kinetics of Cu(II) transport and accumulation by hepatocytes from copper-deficient mice and the brindled mouse model of Menkes disease
1987 Molecular Cloning Of the cDNA and Chromosomal Gene For the Vitamin D Dependent Calcium Binding Protein
1987 Molecular Cloning Of the cDNA and Chromosomal Gene For the Vitamin D Dependent Calcium Binding Protein
1987 Distribution Of Copper Among Cytosolic Components From Normal, Cu- Deficient and Brindled Animals Symposium On Trace Elements In Man and Animals
1987 Intracellular Distribution Of Newly Arrived Copper In Rat Hepatocytes
1987 Distribution of Newly Arrived Copper Among Cytosolic Components Of Hepatocytes From Normal and Cu-Deficient Rats and brindled Mice
1987 Copper transport kinetics by isolated rat hepatocytes
1987 Mobilization Of Copper From Plasma Components and the Mechanisms Of Copper Transport By Rat Hepatocytes
1987 Copper Transport Kinetics By Isolated Rat Hepatocytes
1987 The Molecular Actions Of 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 In Rat Intestine: Isolation and Characterization Of Different Vitamin D-Responsive cDNA Clones In: Advances In Gene Technology. Molecular Biology Of the Gene
Conference Paper
Date Title
2013 Hisham Darwish Estrogen receptor α gene and vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC1) gene haplotypes and low BMD in Palestinian postmenopausal women
2013 Learning from Negative feedback in patients with major depressive disorder is attenuated by SSRI antidepressants, while learning from positive feedback is modulated by dopamine transporter genotype
2013 Dopamine Transporter 3'- UTR VNTR Polymorphism Modulates Learning from Negative Feedback
2008 Significant correlation between inherited resistance to activated protein C and factor V leiden mutation and poor pregnancy outcome among Palestinian women in the west bank
2008 Genetic marker polymorphisms in the VDR and MTHFR gens among osteoporotic and control Palstenian women
2008 Identification and characterization of human tyrosine amintransferase (TAT) gene mutations among tyrosinemia type II Palestinian patients
2006 β-Globin gene mutations among Palestinian thalassemia patients
2006 Comparative Study of Toxoplasma in Bedouin, Semi-Bedouin Women and their Children in Jericho District. Health Sciences Center
2006 Genetic marker polymorphism in the VDR and MTHFR genes among osteoporotic and normal Palestinian women
2004 Spectrum of Molecular Mutations in the β-Globin Gene Among Thalassemia Patients in the West Bank
2000 Identification of 16 Mutations in the Beta Globin Gene Among the Palestinian Population in the West Bank
1998 Identification of a Putative Transcription Factor in the Promoter Region of the Human Parathyroid (PTH) Gene That Enhances its Downregulation by 1,25(OH) 2 Vitamin D 3
1997 Status of Thalassemia in Palestine Symposium on genetics in Arab Populations - A Wealth of Indicative Information
1997 Molecular Defects in the Beta Globin gene Expression
1997 Biological Activity of Several Analogs of 1,25(OH)2Vitamin D 3 and Their Potential Selected and Therapeutic Activity: A Link Between Basic Science and Clinical Application
1996 Analysis of the Curvature angle in DNA Induced By the Binding Of the Vitamin D Receptor To Various Vitamin D Responsive Elements
1995 Cloning Of the cDNA and Gene Encoding Chicken 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3-24- Hydroxylase; Characterization Of Three Of Three Putative Vitamin D-Responsive Elements In the Promoter Region
1995 Antiproliferative Effect Of Vitamin D-Derived Antiprogesterone Compounds On the Growth Of Human Breast Cancer Cells
1994 A Study Of the Interaction between Two Vitamin D Response Elements In the 24- Hydroxylase Promoter Using Binding Affinities and Reporter Gene Constructs
1994 20-Oxopregnacalciferols: Vitamin D Compounds That Bind the Progesterone Receptor and Have Antiprogesterone Effect In Vivo The 76th Meeting Of the Endocrine Society
1992 A Molecular Analysis Of Vitamin D Receptor-Vitamin D Responsive Elements Interaction
1992 Identification Of a 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 Responsive Element In the 5’-Flanking Region Of the Rat Calbindin D9K Gene
1992 Transcriptional Activation By the 1,25(OH)2 Vitmain D3 Receptor Is Mediated By Phosphorylation
1990 An Estrogen Responsive Element In the Rat Calbindin Gene Mediates the Transcriptional Regulation Of the Gene In the Uterus