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للفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الأكاديمي 2019\2020

منشورات أ. د. حازم صوالحة

Date Title
2019 Limestone Dust as an Abiotic Disease Factor Affecting Vegetables and Olives in Palestine
2016 The effect of wild boars on agricultural crops and their control in Salfit governorate in Palestine
2016 Landfill leachates as an abiotic disease factor affecting solanaceous crops and olive trees
2014 Scope of Using Treated Olive Mill Wastewater in Tomato Production
2014 Quantitative Effects of Single and Multiple Infections with Four Viruses on Tomato
2013 Chemical Antibacterial Agents Used to Disinfect Cultivation Tools against the Crown Gall Disease of Stone Fruits
2013 Epidemiology of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus in the Northern Regions of the West Bank, Palestine
2012 Misuse of pesticides by vegetable farmers in Palestinian Territories and recommendations for their proper use
2012 The use of watermelon (Baladi cultivar) grafting on bottle gourd and pumpkin rootstocks to control the soil-borne fungi causing vascular wilt disease of watermelon in the Plain of Sanoor in Palestine
2012 Occurrence and prevalence of four viruses infecting tomatoes in Northern districts of West Bank, Palestinian Territories
2012 Bacterial Contamination of Paper Banknotes in Circulation; a Case Study in the Jenin District
2011 Incidence and Genetic Variability of Erysiphe cichoracearum, the Causal Agent of Powdery Mildew on Squash and Cucumber in Tubas and Jenin
2011 Detection of Three honeybee Viruses in Palestine using RT-PCR
2011 Studying the effect of varying the number of Folicur (250EC) applications to control powdery mildew on grapes in Hebron district in Palestine. . Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences
2011 Incidence of viral diseases on pepper in Palestine; A case study on potato virus Y on hot pepper in the Northern regions of the West Bank using RT-PCR
2011 Occurrence of straw itch mite (Pyemotes tritici, Acari, Pyemotidae) in the south western regions of Jenin, Palestine
2010 Whitefly population and incidence of tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomato fields grown in the northern regions of the West Bank
2010 The use of crop rotation to control the soil-borne fungi causing vascular wilt of watermelon in the plain of Sanoor, Palestine
2009 Occurrence of tomato yellow leaf curl virus on volunteer tomato
2009 Palestinian isolate of tomato yellow leaf curl virus: Capsid andnucleic acid retention in Bemisia tabaci
1996 Alfalfa mosaic virus in Jordan
1996 Incidence of alfalfa mosaic virus in alfalfa fields in Jordan
Date Title
2014 Laboratory Manual of Mycology and Plant Pathogenic Fungi
2009 Practical Course of Plant Pathogenic Viruses
Conference Paper
Date Title
2017 The use of PCR, IC-PCR, TAS-ELISA, TBIA, and biological methods to determine the time needed to detect TYLCV in inoculated jimsonweeds
2017 Cultivated and natural plant flora with antibacterial action collected from Palestine
2016 The use of PCR, IC-PCR, TAS-ELISA, TBIA, and biological methods to determine the time needed to detect TYLCV in inoculated jimsonweeds
2016 دور القطاع الخاص والاهلي والمتمثل بالجامعة العربية الامريكية في تدعيم المنظومة البحثية والعلمي في فلسطين
2016 Antibacterial activities of several plant saps collected from the Palestinian environment
2014 Using Treated Olive Mill Wastewater in Tomato Production
2011 Landfill leachate as an abiotic disease factor affecting agricultural crops in the Jenin District
2011 Occurrence of Phytophthora-root rot on sycamore trees in Jericho
2010 The use of Immunocaptured Polymerase Chain Reaction (IC-PCR) to Study the Translocation of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) in Tomato Plants
2010 Antibacterial activities of several plant saps collected from the Palestinian environment
2009 The use of PCR, IC-PCR, TAS-ELISA, TBIA, and biological methods to determine the time needed to detect TYLCV in inoculated jimsonweeds
2005 The present situation of sewage use in vegetable farming in Palestine
2000 Serological and PCR detection of tomato yellow leaf curl virus from infected plant tissues and whiteflies
1997 Incidence of alfalfa mosaic virus in alfalfa fields in Jordan