Announcement iconContinuing Accepting Applications for Admission !!
for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2019/2020

PhD in Educational Administration

The program aims at preparing educators and educational leaders for the 21st century in which knowledge accumulation and technology accelerations are domains for modernity. The program intensely provides educated means for rigorous research which enables graduates capitalize on knowledge construction and skills galvanization that leads to a genuine impact on the world of policy, guided practice, and education. Our graduates will assume senior leadership roles, policy makers, educationists, and university professors.


Target group

  • School principals and teachers.
  • Deputy ministers , administrators, and educational supervisors.
  • Quality coordinators and personnel.
  • Education district managers and leaders.
  • Personnel who are in favor of career change.


Curriculum Information:

The Ph.D. in Educational Administration requires four years of full time course of study to complete. Courses are logically and psychologically sequenced to provide graduates with an educational scope of the knowledge and skills needed for the 21st century. Graduates  are able to choose few courses of their interest in line with the residence of the program. Graduates  choose their research in close consultation of their faculty advisor and dissertation committees.

During the course of study, students are asked to act out of their comfort zone and asked to professionally contribute to educational administration in Palestine through their research based inquires to create new spaces for development in our educational system. AAUP  professionally mentors practical experiences and connect with networks to enable graduates to position themselves as future educational leaders in the sector that needs them the most (Education).



  1. Obligatory Courses
  2. Elective Courses

Total credit hours are 54 credits for the whole program, whereas 36 credits in courses and 18 credits in dissertation advisement.


  1. Mastering educational and scientific knowledge and related skills in domain specific areas of research projects and application in learning organization context.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate educational experiences and teaching practices along with management and other educational interventions.
  3. Capitalize on educational technology and digitalization in teaching and learning processes as well as intervention projects.
  4. Empowering to lead and manage developmental visions in education as well as leading cultural educational change among organizations.
  5. Develop teaching and learning practices through reflective thinking in line with professional practice.
  6. Provide professional knowledge to enable students diagnose, plan, organize, implement, and evaluate learning experiences and knowledge constructs in areas of education. 
  7. Understand education and learning systems, policy, and outcomes in traditional and non-traditional contexts.

AAUP proudly introduces Ph.D. in Educational Administration in fall 2019/ 2020 “For the First time in Palestine”, and looking forward to having more programs in Education as soon. The impetus behind such consideration is to validate AAUP vision in providing quality education for the Palestine elites in order to incubate well roundedness in our educational system by providing visionary educational leaders.


Careers of graduates:

Education administrators are employed by public and private schools, colleges, and universities to plane and oversee educational policies. Administrators are also hired by private preschools, museums, and libraries to manage curricula and educational programs.