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for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2019/2020

Registration for “Bee-TECHNO” Project Started to Embrace Entrepreneurial IT Sector Ideas

Saturday, July 1, 2017

“Bee-Techno” is an initiative to incubate pioneering ideas for ICT sector by the Business Incubator (IDEA) in support of small projects in partnership with Hassib Sabbagh Center for Information Technology Excellence - Arab American University, Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs, World Vison foundation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jenin Governorate and funded by the Swiss Drosos Foundation.


Who can register for the project?

  • Young men and women from Jenin governorate and residents
  • Specialists or interested in the ICT sector or
  • Applicant must be between 18 to 38 years old
  • The program targets the Tawjihi certificate holders and above
  • The applicant is currently seeking to develop his / her project or establish a pilot project that will have an economic impact, focusing on:
    1. Programs specialized in mobile applications
    2. Programs specialized in video games, electronic games and animation
    3. Focus on e-commerce programs
    4. Designing and executing training programs or online e-learning platforms
    5. Develop existing software
    6. Project to develop IT incubators business’s
    7. Harness the ICT sector to find solutions for the below sectors problems’:
      • Agriculture Sector and related activities
      • Manufacturing Sector
      • Services Sector
  • Ability to commit to all program stages and rules


What the Project offers?

First Stage: Applicants presents there ideas in a simple introductory video of no more than two minutes, it can be photographed with your mobile or any other tool and this video shows:

  • Personal definition (Full name, age, county, qualification, specialty, your current job)
  • What is the project
  • The problem addressed by the project
  • The new provided service, which is reflected in financial gain
  • Summary of the project implementation mechanism
  • The expected financial gain of the project and how it is reflected on your personal life
  • What is your future expectations for this project

After that send the video to the email: until (17/07/2017) to be presented to a special evaluation committee which will recommend the selected applicants for second stage.

Note 1: The video must be sent from your own Gmail

Note 2: The sent email subject should be: BeeTechno_The Project Name


Second Stage: Based on the committee evaluation, a number of applicants will be selected to participate in the second stage, which includes (50) training hours on entrepreneurship and project management including preparing business plans and planning, marketing and financing your project.


Third Stage: Some participant will be selected to benefit from the third stage, which will provide a period to embrace the project at the Business Incubator Center (IDEA) or Hassib Sabbagh Center for IT Excellence for those who need it, they will have office space with all necessary needs for a startup project, experts will follow-up so they can apply their projects.


All project stages, training and activities are provided as free grant, register quickly the opportunities are limited.


Deadline for sending the video 17/07/2017