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AAUP Celebrates the Conclusion of Shashat 11th Festival "Let's Watch a Movie"

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Deanship of Student Affairs in AAUP and Shashat Institution celebrated the conclusion of Shashat 11th festival entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” that was under the motto “I am Palestinian”. 20 films were screened during the festival with the attendance of AAUP students.

The conclusion of Shashat 11th festival entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” that was holding the motto of “I am Palestinian” as 20 films were presented with AAUP students attendance.

“Let’s Watch a Movie” festival is a cultural and community related project that started three years ago and is funded by the European Union, the Switzerland institution CFD and Poland Representative in Palestine.

The celebration started with a speech by Dr. Bashar Daraghmeh- the Dean of the Deanship of Student Affairs as he welcomed the guests and talked about how AAUP always encourages such projects as it focuses on community related cases and encourages freedom of speech. He said that such projects give youth the opportunity to start discussions and inquiries and the opportunity to give creative solutions for problems. Dr. Daraghmeh also appreciated the role that Shashat institution does to youth.

Additionally, Dr. Daraghmeh explained how the presented movies had many topics and causes and gave the chance to students from the different faculties to participate. He expressed his happiness to see students from different faculties interact and blend in together. Dr. Daraghmeh said that AAUP focuses on such activities to preset and discuss students work and take their opinions into consideration.

Mr. Bilal Al Ashqar – the Project Coordinator in AAUP explained the importance of understanding the challenges in AAUP community that is caused by culture and environment diversity. Mr. AL Ashqar clarified that this project created a fruitful dialogue between students who had different opinions but ended up agreeing on finding solutions.   

The conclusion of Shashat 11th festival entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” that was holding the motto of “I am Palestinian” as 20 films were presented with AAUP students attendance.