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Arab American University Celebrates Graduating the First Batch of Professional Diplomas Students

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Under the auspices of Minister of Labor

Hassib Sabbagh Center of Information Technology of Excellence at the Arab American University graduates the first batch of professional diploma holders, under the auspices of Minister of Labor Mr. Maamoun Abu Shahla.

Dr. Nizam Diab speech during the graduation ceremony

Representative of Arab American University President his Training Affairs Vice Dr. Nizam Diab, representative of Minister of Labor Mr. Samer Salameh, Chairman of Hassib Sabbagh Center Eng. Muhannad Haijawi, Director of Hassib Al Sabbagh Center Mr. Alaa Hattab, Director of Professional Training Center in Jenin Sondos Abu Bakr, representative of Haddad tourist village Bassam Haddad, members of Directors Board of Hassib Sabbagh Center and the graduate students parents, all attended the ceremony.

The ceremony started with graduates entrance, national anthem and a minute of silence in solidarity with prisoners in the third week of their ongoing hunger strike.


University President Speech

Arab American University President speech given by his representative Dr. Nizam Diab VP for Training Affairs, where he congratulated the professional diploma graduates and said “I am proud to congratulate you for your first anniversary. Today you’re receiving the result of your efforts and standing on the threshold of a new phase of your lives”.

He said “The University represented by Hassib Sabbagh Center is doing its best to communicate with high school graduates and use all means to encourage students to pursue vocational education in line with the aspirations of Ministries of Labor and Higher Education”.


Minister of Labor -Speech

“It is a historic day in every graduates life as it is unusual for students to graduate from professional disciplines in a prestigious university such as Arab American University”, said Mr. Samer Salameh representative of Minister of Labor.

He stressed on the importance of vocational specializations needed in the market, as numbers of unemployed rising especially for graduates, but still there’s a need for vocational specializations and the Ministry of Labor invests in this education as it is a solution for unemployment. 


Directors Board of Hassib Sabbagh Center Speech

Chairman of Directors Board of Hassib Sabbagh Center Eng. Muhannad Haijawi pointed to the Ministries of Labor and Higher Education interest in supporting vocational education, stressing on the markets need for technicians and professionals. Mentioning, Hassib Sabbagh Center works on new programs the market needs like cars maintenance etc.


The university Hassib Sabbagh Center speech

Director of Hassib Sabbagh Center at the Arab American University Mr. Alaa Hattab gave a detailed explanation of the center’s work saying “The center aims to be a model for excellence and innovation. Since its establishment 12 years ago, the center worked on adopting pioneer ideas to establish companies and factories to provide careers and improve the national economy”. He pointed, for more than 3 years we’re working on professional diplomas to fill the markets need for skilled technicians in everything, we started three programs; Graphic Design Diploma, Interior Design and Decoration Diploma and Hotel Management Diploma.

He praised continuous cooperation between the Ministries of Labor and Higher Education to support and improve vocational education to make it equals academic education by merging them in school stages. Pointing, such qualitative evolution in this field depends on changing the negative attitude towards it, stressing that vocational education is a new international systematic trend.


Graduates Speech

“It is my pleasure to stand before you today in this great educational edifice celebrating graduating the first batch of professional diploma holders”, said graduate Hamzeh Fshafsha in the graduates speech. He expressed his pride of Hassib Sabbagh Center and the Arab American University, pointing such creative idea as professional diplomas will provide job opportunities for youths, decrease unemployment numbers and participate in developing the community. Finally, he thanked the center and its workers for their efforts to fulfill all the students’ needs.

During the ceremony a video presented, in which the diploma students talked about their studying experiences in Hassib Sabbagh Center at the Arab American University.

The ceremony finished by honoring partner institutions and the 25 graduates from the interior design and decoration, hotel management and graphic design fields.

Graduation ceremony for Professional Diplomas Students’
The Graduates speech
Honoring the graduate students
Honoring the graduate students
Photo of the graduates