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Data Matters Festival Organized by AAUP and PCBS

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Data Matters Festival organized by AAUP & PCBS with the occasion of the World Statistics Day, on the 20th of October each year, the festival was held at the Culture Palace in Ramallah sponsored by the Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih.

Data Matters Festival Organized by AAUP and PCBS

The Festival was attended by AAUP President Prof. Ali Zaidan Abu Zuhri, PCBS President Dr. Ola Awad, GM of Bank of Palestine Mr. Rushdie Ghalayini, CEO of Paltel Group Mr. Ammar Al-Aker, the International Expert Sander Davstein, along with local and international experts, representatives of governmental, private institutions.

President of PCBS Dr. Ola Awa opened the Data Science Festival saying that its being held in celebration of the World Statistics Day and to lead up with global developments in light of the information revolution and technological development. Along with the resolution of UN General Assembly to give importance on facilitating the use of data and its importance in decision-making.

As she added that today we live in a digital world build on data, where studies show that jobs related to data sciences will be the highest paid in the future. from that said we as Palestinians should benefit from this initiative to facilitate the process of sustainable development, especially that 68% of our people are under the age of 30, furthermore all sectors can benefit develop from data science.

AAUP President Prof. Ali Zidan Abu Zuhri: AAUP philosophy in education focuses on all what’s new and virtual, as it aims to meets with the need of the Palestinian sociality with creative solutions and cutting edge technologies. AAUP continuously develops new modern academic programs to provide the Palestinian market with specialist and experts that can contribute and build our nation and internationally.

Prof. Abu Zuhri added that AAUP is pleased to announce the launch of a new master program in Data Sciences and Business Analytics, this program is an international program launched and taught in famous universities. this program will impact and influence on the interest of Palestinian companies and institutions as it does on local and international markets.  

As he said that AAUP believes in the importance of local partnerships, as for that AAUP & PCBS has took this initiative step toward in launching a national strategic partnership to complementary AAUP’s efforts, where they aim to prepare specialists in data sciences according to the demanding need of the Palestinian local market, and for the regional and international markets.

Adding that The Palestinian Market is in the need of benefiting from data sciences, where the master program in Data Sciences and Statistic Analytics received high acceptance from researchers and companies, where this show a positive indicator of this new trend in Palestine.

ending his speech by saying that both parties are looking forward to launching many initiatives hoping that Palestine will play a prominent role in this area.

Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih declared that the launching of Data Matters Projects is a milestone to the future. As he added that without data there is no planning which in return there will be no development, as he pointed out that “Cluster” plan presented by the government relies on data offered by the PCBS.

GM of Bank of Palestine Mr. Rushdie Ghalayini said that this festival aims to presenting the latest features of data sciences, that will enhance the use of recourses and increasing economic growth and enable the offered services properly. He added that the bank is able to issue reports relying on data sciences, especially in variable data periodically.

CEO of Paltel Group Mr. Ammar Al-Aker said, that data has high importance on the human’s life, as we invested more than $ 120 million last year. adding that we as developing countries, should partnership with surrounding countries regarding data science, allowing the necessary steps to maintain confidential data in large companies for its people.  

The International Expert Sander Davstein, presented the impact of technology on human’s life and its importance in improving people’s lives in all areas, as he presented a short film about the applications of data sciences prepared by the Ministry of Education.

During the Festival AAUP & PCBS signed a collaboration & partnership agreement that was sponsored by the Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih .

The participants presented the following recommendations and affirmations as for assuring the importance of data in human life, including the provision of data on all aspects of life, and the need to make data available for public use, while ensuring data confidentiality and privacy of individuals. Encouraging the government and the actors in the private and civil society sectors to adopt the Data Science Initiative in Palestine as a foundational and pioneering step to serve the society, especially youth

as the recommended Considering the role of data science initiative with its components, in helping to improve the status of Palestine by using the information revolution and big data to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable social development to serve public good. PCBS also calls for a full partnership between all national institutions from the private and civil sectors, in addition to the components of the National Statistical System to provide the necessary support for the initiative’s success and growth.

The participants assured the importance on creating special data science training programs for all segments of society. In particular, focusing on youth, so that they gain the skills they need to achieve their aspirations. along with Recognizing the importance of partnerships and exchange of experiences in the use of data science and the extent of its contribution to serve humanity and the measurement of Sustainable Development Goals.

Establishing of the Palestinian Society for Data Science as the incubator for corresponding standards, best practices and professional ethics and encouraging Palestinian competencies in the homeland and the Diaspora to join this society; Promoting a culture of evidence-based decision-making by building on what data science can offer, in terms of knowledge and insights and overcome business constraints, using best methodologies; Embedding data science skills in the curricula of schools and universities in order to equip students with data intuition and motivation to engage in data science. Adopting capacity development programs in data science for employees and executives by different institutions, in all sectors, according to their business domains and needs. Linking this national initiative to international efforts in order to accumulate, update and build on global knowledge

In addition to strengthening networking with Palestinian experts in data science in all their locations to furnish Palestinian youth in all sectors of society with international expertise in this field; Providing support to the Data Science Initiative by all sectors of society to implement its various core projects, including the following: Data Matters Festival. Think Data Science Program. Data Science for Executives & Leaders. Data Science for Schools: “Schools without Walls”. Data Science Society of Palestine.

Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival
Part of the Festival