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Master Thesis Defense in Conflict Resolution and Development at Arab American University

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Researcher Hasan Khalid Kameel, student in Conflict Resolution and Development Program at the Arab American University Faculty of Graduate Studies, defended his master thesis entitled “Hunger Strike in Palestinian Context from Activists Point of View”.

From Hasan Khalid Kameel Defense

In his thesis, he talked about the hunger strike in Palestinian context from activists view, its achievements and constraints and how to benefit from international experiences in this matter. He concluded, Palestinian prisoners' movement is a social one and it lacks applying global theories for better achievements.

By the end, the committee of thesis supervisor and head of the committee Prof. Dr. Ayman Yousef, Arab American University internal examiner Dr. Jamal Hanaisheh and external examiner from An-Najah National University Dr. Raed Nierat, decided to give the student Hasan Kameel master degree.a