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للفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الأكاديمي 2019\2020

منشورات أ. د. زكي صالح

Date Title
2015 Dependence of plasmonic enhance- ment of photocurrent in a-Si:H on the position and thickness of SiNx spacer layers
2015 Advanced light trapping interface for a-Si:H thin film, Physica Status Solidi C (PSS-C)
2015 Optimized Spacer Layer Thickness for Plasmonics-induced Enhancement of Photocurrent in a-Si:H
2015 Optoelectronic properties of nanostructured Si prepared at low temperature by Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (ICP-CVD)
2014 Atmospheric and light-induced effects in nanostructured silicon deposited by capacitively and inductively-coupled plasma, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
2014 Atmospheric Aging and Light-induced Degradation of Amorphous and Nanostructured Silicon Using Photoconductivity and Electron Spin Resonance
2013 Enhanced Optical Absorption and Spectral Photocurrent in a-Si:H by Single- and Double-Layer Silver Plasmonic Interfaces
2013 Recombination mechanisms in hydrogenated silicon nanocrystalline thin films
2013 Fabrication of Ag Nanoparticles Embedded in Al:ZnO as Potential Light-Trapping Plasmonic Interface for Thin Film Solar Cells. Plasmonics
2013 Design and investigation of SST/nc-Si:H/M(M=Ag, Au, Ni) and M/nc-Si:H/M multifunctional devices, Advances in OptoElectronics
2001 Systems and methods for dry cleaning process chambers
1997 High deposition rate a-Si:H for the flat panel display industry
1994 Influence of the deposition rate of the a-Si:H channel of the field-effect mobility of TFTs deposited in VHF glow discharge
1993 A comparative study of defect states in light-soaked and high-temperature-annealed a-Si:H
1993 Nuclear-magnetic resonance relaxation in glassy Cu As S and Cu As Se
1993 Nuclear-magnetic resonance relaxation in glassy Cu As S and Cu As Se
1993 Trapping and recombination of photo-generated carriers in as grown, high temperature annealed and light soaked a Si:H
1992 Light induced ESR investigations of the role of hydrogen in the stability of a Si:H
1992 Potential role of charged dangling bonds in transient LESR of light soaked a Si:H
1992 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance as a Non-Destructive Testing Tool
1992 Stable, metastable and charged defects in a Si:H; a transient LESR study
1991 Possible atomic diffusion of Cu in glassy Cu As Se
1989 Nuclear quadrupole resonance in Cu As S and Cu As Se systems
1989 63Cu NMR studies of local structural order in the Cu As S and Cu As Se systems
Book Chapter
Date Title
1990 A general structural model for amorphous and glassy semiconductors
1990 A general structural model for amorphous and glassy semiconductors
Conference Paper
Date Title
2013 Enhancement of optical absorption in a-Si:H films by silver nanoparticle plasmonic interface
1997 High deposition rate a-Si:H for the flat panel display industry
1994 Influence of the deposition rate of the a-Si:H channel of the field-effect mobility of TFTs deposited in VHF glow discharge
1993 A comparative study of defect states in light-soaked and high-temperature-annealed a-Si:H
1992 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance as a Non-Destructive Testing Tool
1992 Potential role of charged dangling bonds in transient LESR of light soaked a Si:H
1992 Local structural order and atomic diffusion of metal in metal arsenic chalcogenide glasses
1992 Local structural order and atomic diffusion of metal in metal arsenic chalcogenide glasses
1990 Local structural order and relaxation effects in metal chalcogenides
1990 Local structural order and relaxation effects in metal chalcogenides