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Genetic Variability of Sand Fly Phlebotomus papatasi Populations (Diptera: Psychodidae) Originating from the West Bank, Palestine

Omar Hamarsheh
Sameer Barghouthi
Amer Al-Jawabreh
Abdel Baset Zayed
Kifaya Azmi
Ahmad Amro
Ziad Abdeen
Journal Name: 
Journal of Entomology
Pages From: 
Monday, January 1, 2007
PCR, Phlebotomus papatasi, genetic variation,West Bank
Phlebotomine sand flies are weak flies, with maximum dispersal seldom exceeds one kilometer away from their breeding sites. For Phlebotomus papatasi, which has a broad geographical distribution, it is expected however, that the local populations are genetically isolated. The present study developed a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method to distinguish between the DNA profiles of two laboratory colonies and several field populations of P. papatasi sand flies originating from different sites in the West Bank. Primers, designed from the P. papatasi α-amylase gene, amplify population-specific bands in all male and female specimens tested. The profiles were based on the variability of PCR bands exhibited on agarose gels. The data analysis showed significant variations among the two colonies and eight field populations, the genetic variability evaluated by genetic distance indicated that colony populations, which originated from the Jordan Valley exhibit low genetic variability and are closely related to each other, whereas high genetic variation was detected among some populations originating from different sites in the West Bank. Population genetic analysis of sand fly populations from leishmaniasis-endemic areas may provide information on the amounts of genetic connectedness among P. papatasi populations distributed on large scale (i.e., among geographic regions) or within a region. These informations associated with estimation of their abilities to harbor and transmit Leishmania parasites will be necessary for developing effective control strategies.