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أثر الذكاء العاطفي على الفاعلية التسويقية للبنوك الاسلامية الفلسطينية: من وجهة نظر العاملين فيها

Dr. MAJEED M MANSOUR & Hussein M Abed
Journal Name: 
المجلة الأردنية للعلوم التطبيقية - سلسلة العلوم الانسانية
Pages From: 
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the impact of emotional intelligence on marketing effectiveness in Palestinian Islamic banks from the perspective of workers, also aimed to identify the role of the study variables (gender, educational qualification, experience), The study was conducted on a sample of employees in Islamic banks reached (120) from two Islamic banks (Arab Islamic Bank and Palestinian Islamic Bank) the results of the study shows that the degree of marketing effectiveness and emotional intelligence was high, with the percentage ranging from 80% -82%, while the total score of the impact of emotional intelligence on the marketing effectiveness was 79.5%, The results of the study revealed that there is a strong positive correlation between emotional intelligence and marketing effectiveness, the correlation coefficient was (0.71) . the study results show acceptance of the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant correlation between the impact of emotional intelligence on marketing effectiveness due to gender, age, experience. in the light of the results of the study, the researchers recommended that Islamic banks take the initiative to establish appropriate application of Emotional Intelligence in Islamic banks in line with its strategy. And Islamic banks should hold courses and workshops that include modern management trends, especially emotional intelligence to enlighten the managers and workers to the concept of emotional intelligence and its activities and operations. Key words: marketing effectiveness, intelligence, emotional intelligence, Islamic banks.