Journal Name:
Nutrition and Food Sciences
Pages From:
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Demographic; Blood lipids; Myocardial infarction; Cardiovascular.
Aim: To evaluate the role of some demographic and plasma lipid variables in heart attack occurrence among
Palestinians. Demographic variables under study include age, sex, smoking, sporting (walking, running, basketball, etc.)
hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and HDL are the blood lipid variables under study.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive analytical and correlation design were set as a frame for data collection.
Data were collected from 186 subjects, representing both healthy and unhealthy heart groups. Ninety six were free
from heart attacks while 89 were diagnosed as heart attack patients. Whole blood samples were collected in EDTA
tubes. Plasma samples were used to measure total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides
using the commercial Human Liquicolor Kits. Demographic information’s about subjects were collected from either
subjects themselves or their attendant relatives in their respective hospitals.
Results: The association between demographic and lipid profiles with occurrence of heart attack was demonstrated
as statistically significant. Sporting and HDL factors negatively correlated with heart attack incidences. Moreover,
statistical differences between the study groups were demonstrated in all study variables, except age and sporting.
Conclusion: Irrespective of geographical or cultural factors, most of the studied demographic as well blood lipid
profiles were significantly contributing to the occurrence of cardio problems as risk factors