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" Law Akhadoh "! A Movie Displayed in AAUP

Sunday, December 22, 2019

During the eleven screens festival “Let’s Watch a Movie” that is implemented this year under the motto “I am a Palestinian”, the Deanship of Student Affairs in AAUP displayed a movie entitled “Law Akhadoh” for the Palestinian director Layali Al Kelani

The movie is about the conflict between people and the occupation, focusing on the suffering of the Palestinian women. Um Ayman from Burin village- Nablus was the main character in the movie, and she was a symbol for the struggling Palestinian women that fights for her home and land against settlers. 

The events in the movie continue as Um Ayman’s family and their life turns into hell. They are always scared from settlers who are destroying their land, cutting their olive trees and setting their house on fire. The main concern for Um Ayman became to keep her house and family safe from settlers and to save her land from being stolen especially that it is the only house in that area.

Dr. Saba’ Jarrar- the Dean of the Faculty of Sport Sciences moderated the presentation of the movie, and asserted on the importance of women’s role in the community and on the importance of having institutions that care for and enhance women role and encourage those institutions to support Palestinian women everywhere. 

Dr. Jarrar added: “This movie represents a good experience as it reflects a living image of the Palestinian women struggle against occupation. Additionally, when women sometimes are the only one to protect the family against settlers’ attacks who are trying to force the family to leave their house and land_ like Um Ayman’s case_ this is a huge responsibility for women.” Dr. Jarrar also explained that this woman’s case represents all the Palestinian women and the cases and struggles they face.

Shashat project coordinator in AAUP Mr. Bilal Al Ashqar talked about the importance of having institutions that cares for Palestinian women rights and protect them and their children. This movie embodies the struggle of the Palestinian people in general with focusing on the Palestinian women struggle against settlers.

At the end of the show, a discussion was raised with students about the role that Um Ayman represents in protecting her land and the possible ways to provide support to enhance her resilience.

“I am a Palestinian” movies are part of “Let’s Watch a Movie” project that is implemented by “Shashat Woman Cinema” under collaboration with ““Association of Female University Graduates” and “Sunflower Association”. This project is a cultural and community related project that started three years ago and is funded by the European Union, the Switzerland institution CFD and Poland Representative in Palestine.