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Alumni News

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
During the interviews for Tamayaz program

With the presence of representatives from Sharek Youth Forum, The Palestinian Center for Youth Economic Empowerment and the Deanship of Student Affairs in AAUP, the partners of the training program “Tamayaz” held the interviews in Arab American University for the interested students who want to join the program in its 6th edition. 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

With the participation of nineteen employees of the university and the presence of Dr. Nizam Diab- VP and the Head of the training committee, Ms. Somaya Hammad- the Project Coordinator, and Mr. Bilal Al Ashqar- a Trainer, AAUP and MA’AN Development Center conclude a training course for trainers in pioneer and leading businesses field, among the project of “Najahoha”

Sunday, December 22, 2019

During the eleven screens festival “Let’s Watch a Movie” that is implemented this year under the motto “I am a Palestinian”, the Deanship of Student Affairs in AAUP displayed a movie entitled “Law Akhadoh” for the Palestinian director Layali Al Kelani

The movie is about the conflict between people and the occupation, focusing on the suffering of the Palestinian women. Um Ayman from Burin village- Nablus was the main character in the movie, and she was a symbol for the struggling Palestinian women that fights for her home and land against settlers. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Some photos of the field trip to PALTEL Head Office in Nablus that AAUP students participated in. Students from different Palestinian universities participated in this field trip that aimed to introduce students to the employment procedures and the telecommunications mechanisms and introduce students to the different departments of the company. In addition to that, a discussion for future collaboration was raised between the universities and PALTEL.

The activity was organized by Sharek Youth Forum under collaboration with PALTEL and with coordination with AAUP.

Monday, December 16, 2019
AAUP Concludes Dental Series Visits for High-School Students in Northern West Bank

AAUP concluded series visits for the largest high schools in northern West Bank for dental checkups. Over 1600 high-school students had a free dental checkup in Jenin, Tubas, Tulkarm and Qabatya.

The field visits that were organized by the Faculty of Dentistry students aimed to provide free dental health services and raise awareness among school students about teeth and how their teeth health is reflected on their own health.

Monday, December 2, 2019
During the discussion of “Grape Leaves (Waraq Dawali)” movie by Sarah Abdawi

The Deanship of Student Affairs in AAUP organized a project entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” under collaboration with “Shashat Woman Cinema”. This project enhances students’ capabilities in group discussions and presentations, and enables them to actively contribute in building a democratic community that respects human rights and diversity. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Under the auspices of Prof. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri- the University President, and under the organizing of Sharek Youth Forum, AAUP hosted the graduation ceremony for the students who participated in the 5th Tamayouz program. 143 students from four universities graduated from this program, the participated universities are (Arab American University, An Najah National University, Palestine Technical University – Khadoori and Al Quds Open University).

Ms. Alaa Abu Thaher presented the ceremony and welcomed the great audience of representatives of the partner institutions and the families of the students. Dr. Nizam Diab- the VP for Training Affairs opened the ceremony by welcoming the guests on behalf of the President, as he welcomed Tamayouz representatives, the representatives of the universities, the students and the graduates of this program. Dr.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The workshop entitled “Youth and the Freedom to Join Unions” that was hosted by the Arab American University and organized by collaboration between Sharik Youth Forum and Al-Tadamon Center concluded the importance of enhancing the youth role in leadership positions and administrative structures for the labor unions in Palestine. The workshop focused on the importance of developing the Palestinian youth skills to be able to deliver the vision of labor unions that aim to provide good life for their members.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Alumni Affairs Department, with the support of the Sharek Youth Forum, organized a tour to Sebastia and Al-Masoudia station north of Nablus, for Tamayyaz team to introduce the students to the tourism and heritage in the region.

They visited the Museum of Sebastia and introduced the student to its archaeological sites, and the settlers' attacks on the town, the museum and its antiquities, and the historical stations that shows civilizations in Sebastia and Palestine.

Saturday, November 2, 2019
Part of “Kilimanjaro Girls” Film Screening

Screening Two films for two AAUP students in Maysa Al-Shaer and Amjad Hab Alreh within the festival "Ana Palestinia" organized by the university in cooperation with Shashat Association.

The film “dead land” A documentary film that highlights two women from Anin village in Jenin governorate who have lost their land due to the Israeli wall and have been denied cultivation. This made their lives between having small hope and on the other hand feeling complete injustice and threatened that women well be forbidden from their sources of livelihood and self-achievement.
