Announcement iconاستمرار قبول طلبات الإلتحاق !!
للفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الأكاديمي 2019\2020

منشورات د. مجيد منصور

Date Title
2019 Integration of UTAUT model in internet banking adoption context The media tingroleofperformance expectancyandeffortexpectancy
2019 The Impact of Strategic Planning in Palestinian Municipalities on the Quality of Service Provided to Its Citizens
2019 The Impact of Strategic Planning in Palestinian Municipalities on the Quality of Service Provided to Its Citizens
2019 The Extent of Adoption of Islamic Work Ethics for Retail Trade in Palestine from the Point of View of their Customers
2019 The Role of Vision, Mission, Objective and Strategic Choice on the Quality of Service Provided to Citizens Jenin Municipality in Palestin
2017 The Reality and Constraints of the Application of E-learning in-Najah National University from the Perspective of Faculty Members
2015 أثر الذكاء العاطفي على الفاعلية التسويقية للبنوك الاسلامية الفلسطينية: من وجهة نظر العاملين فيها
2012 The extent to which companies registered in Palestine stock Exchange implement concepts of sustainable marketing from the perceptions of marketing and sales managers
2011 قياس درجة اتجاهات المستهلكين نحو خدمات التأمين في شمال الضفة الغربية: دراسة ميدانية
2011 Impact of Electronic promotion on the Market share of Banks in the Northern West Bank
2010 Degree of Job satisfaction of faculty members at An- Najah National university, Palestine
Conference Paper
Date Title
2017 The Impact Of The Adoption Of Social Responsibility Concept On The Banking Services Quality In Islamic Banks In Palestine
2017 The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Islamic Business Ethics in Promoting Creativity in Islamic Banks from The Perspectives of Employees
2016 Social media and its impact on student quality of life from the perspective of the students at the Arab American University