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for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2019/2020


Monday, January 13, 2020
The conclusion of Shashat 11th festival entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” that was holding the motto of “I am Palestinian” as 20 films were presented with AAUP students attendance.

The Deanship of Student Affairs in AAUP and Shashat Institution celebrated the conclusion of Shashat 11th festival entitled “Let’s Watch a Movie” that was under the motto “I am Palestinian”. 20 films were screened during the festival with the attendance of AAUP students.

“Let’s Watch a Movie” festival is a cultural and community related project that started three years ago and is funded by the European Union, the Switzerland institution CFD and Poland Representative in Palestine.

Sunday, October 20, 2019
Data Matters Festival Organized by AAUP and PCBS

Data Matters Festival organized by AAUP & PCBS with the occasion of the World Statistics Day, on the 20th of October each year, the festival was held at the Culture Palace in Ramallah sponsored by the Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih.

The Festival was attended by AAUP President Prof. Ali Zaidan Abu Zuhri, PCBS President Dr. Ola Awad, GM of Bank of Palestine Mr. Rushdie Ghalayini, CEO of Paltel Group Mr. Ammar Al-Aker, the International Expert Sander Davstein, along with local and international experts, representatives of governmental, private institutions.

Sunday, October 20, 2019
Part of Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih speech

Data Matters Festival

Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayih declared that the launching of Data Matters Projects is a milestone to the future.

As he added that without data there is no planning which in return there will be no development, as he pointed out that “Cluster” plan presented by the government relies on data offered by the PCBS.



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