Announcement iconاستمرار قبول طلبات الإلتحاق !!
للفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الأكاديمي 2019\2020

منشورات د. عامر الجوابرة

Date Title
2019 Molecular characterization of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia in ixodid ticks and reservoir hosts from Palestine: a pilot survey.
2019 Metagenomic profiling of ticks: Identification of novel rickettsial genomes and detection of tick-borne canine parvovirus.
2018 Genetic diversity of the enteroviruses detected from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples of patients with suspected aseptic meningitis in northern West Bank, Palestine in 2017.
2018 Prevalence of Sero-Molecular Markers of Hepatitis C and B Viruses among Patients with β-Thalassemia Major in Northern West Bank, Palestine.
2018 The Prevalence of PCR-Confirmed Pertussis Cases in Palestine From Archived Nasopharyngeal Samples.
2018 A comparison of the efficiency of three sampling methods for use in the molecular and conventional diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
2018 Isolation and characterization of phenol degrading bacterium strain Bacillus thuringiensis J20 from olive waste in Palestine.
2017 The clinical burden of human cystic echinococcosis in Palestine, 2010-2015.
2017 West Nile Virus: Seroprevalence in Animals in Palestine and Israel
2017 Molecular epidemiology of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in Jericho and its vicinity in Palestine from 1994 to 2015
2017 Molecular detection and genotyping of enteroviruses from CSF samples of patients with suspected sepsis-like illness and/or aseptic meningitis from 2012 to 2015 in West Bank, Palestine
2016 Detection and molecular identification of Hepatozoon canis and Babesia vogeli from domestic dogs in Palestine
2016 Molecular Evidence of Bartonella Species in Ixodid Ticks and Domestic Animals in Palestine
2016 Increased prevalence of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in Israel and the Palestinian Authority caused by the recent emergence of a population of genetically similar strains of Leishmania tropica
2016 Molecular detection of Theileria, Babesia, and Hepatozoon spp. inixodid ticks from Palestine
2016 The first meeting of the European Register of Cystic Echinococcosis (ERCE)
2016 Molecular Detection and Identification of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in Ticks Collected from the West Bank, Palestinian Territories
2015 Persistence of Anti-HBs Among Palestinian Medical Students After 18 - 22 Years of Vaccination: A Cross-Sectional Study
2015 Assessment of Gonadal and Thyroid Function for Adult Transfusion- Dependent- β- Thalassemic Patients in Palestine
2015 Incidence of Echinococcus granulosus in Domestic Dogs in Palestine as Revealed by Copro-PCR
2014 The Jordanian Mid Jordan Valley is a classic focus of Leishmania major as revealed by RFLP of 56 isolates and 173 ITS-1-PCR-positive clinical samples
2014 Prevalence of Occult HBV Among Hemodialysis Patients in Two Districts in the Northern Part of the West Bank, Palestine
2013 First-Time Detection of Mycobacterium bovis in Livestock Tissues and Milk in the West Bank, Palestinian Territories
2012 Serological and molecular survey of Leishmania parasites in apparently healthy dogs in the West Bank, Palestine
2009 Molecular markers for Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera Psychodidae) and their usefulness for population genetic analysis
2009 Population structure and geographical subdivision of the Leishmania major vector Phlebotomus papatasi as revealed by microsatellite variation
2008 Control of phlebotomine sandflies in confined spaces using diffusible repellents and insecticides
2008 Genetic polymorphism of Algerian Leishmania infantum strains revealed by multilocus microsatellite analysis
2008 Identification of geographically distributed sub-populations of Leishmania (Leishmania) major by microsatellite analysis
2007 Leishmaniasis Recidivans in a Palestinian Bedouin Child
2007 New Clinicoepidemiologic Profi le of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Morocco
2007 Genetic Variability of Sand Fly Phlebotomus papatasi Populations (Diptera: Psychodidae) Originating from the West Bank, Palestine
2006 Clinical diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis: A comparison study between standardized graded direct microscopy and ITS1-PCR
2006 Development of a direct species-specific PCR assay for differential diagnosis of Leishmania tropica
2006 Leishmania major: Genetic heterogeneity of Iranian isolates by single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer
2005 Microsatellite analysis reveals genetic structure of Leishmania tropica
2005 Zur Diagnostik der Leishmania-Infektionen
2004 The recent emergence of Leishmania tropica in Jericho (A’riha) and its environs, a classical focus of L. major
2003 Epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the endemic area of Jericho, Palestine
Date Title
2005 Molecular Epidemiology, Clinical Molecular Diagnosis and Genetic Diversity of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Jericho, Palestine